Do you want to know what you did wrong at your last event? Why did I get judged like this? Surely my run was higher than that score. Why did that person beat me? I might as well give up! These are all questions & statements we make after a poor showing in a contest. How do you rectify it? Some of these are easy to answer and some are complex. It could be the heat you skated in was judged low, the tricks you do don't score well, you skate too slow or you didn't tick all the boxes the judges are looking for.
With Level Up's data analysis of every skater, every heat at all World Cup events we can give you information right down to the fall off rate and what trick was trending in your heat. These are all important aspects of skateboarding in competitions.
If you want honest feed back based around World Skate Judging Criteria coupled with suggestions of tricks to add for the next event or places to do tricks then sign up for our Competition Analysis.